[Sigia-l] Need published proof that scrolling text is not good

Donna Maurer donnam at maadmob.net
Mon Dec 3 03:48:38 EST 2007

So, you want us to provide some citeable evidence for something you 
don't like ;) Does that really sound like the best, most professional 
way to work.

I know that sounds like I'm attacking, but I think it incredibly 
important that designers don't do what you just did - ask for 
pseudo-evidence to prove something that is a gut feel or personal 
preference. After all, the client could be doing the same from the other 
perspective. Then we just get wars of the gurus or wars of the 
pseudo-science. That is ultimately damaging to us as a profession.  If 
you can't justify to the client *real* reasons for not doing it, perhaps 
it is fine to do.

Hey, I don't really like scrolling text. But unless I don't have real 
reasons, I'd let a client do it ;)


Janet Wallace wrote:
> I don't like it because:
> Scrolling text looks cheesy and amateurish.
> It's hard to read.
> It scrolled too fast for me to read the text. I had to run through two 
> or three times to read the whole thing. Because the text was dense, I 
> didn't really grasp it fast enough before it was gone.
> It takes up space on the home page that could be better used.
> If the site owners decide to change the text, regular visitors 
> probably won't notice because they probably avoid reading the 
> scrolling text after the first few times.
> Janet Wallace

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