[Sigia-l] Need published proof that scrolling text is not good

Ziya Oz listera at earthlink.net
Mon Dec 3 00:42:02 EST 2007

> http://www.usabilitynews.com/news/article1618.asp

I'd condone pretty much all legal attempts to convince unreasonably clueless
clients on meritorious projects, but a lot of what's included in that
article, for instance, is utter nonsense. Use it if it'll get you the job
that you might need but hopefully as a designer you won't blindly follow
what's stated or insinuated there.

I am as annoyed by scrolling text (especially Java versions) as the next
guy, but seizure-invoking scrolling text may be illegal? Please. What was
supposed to be a Netscape-era joke, blinking objects, is now one of the hot
Ajaxy library 'design patterns' of today. The difference is in the context,
application and execution, you know, what we generally call design.


It depends.
If it didn't, you'd be out of a job.

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