[Sigia-l] Blogs

Andrea Resmini root at resmini.net
Thu Aug 30 10:21:28 EDT 2007

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> :-) Easy for *you* to say. I'm referring mainly to writers and ordinary
> folk, not geeks, 

Ahem, duly noted. You may have a point there. ;) Although..

> for whom the notions of PHP, DBs, source code, uploading,
> etc are still alien. I still find too much 'mechanics' exposed.

..well, yes and no.
I mean, you can also edit templates directly inline in most of these
tools, either using built-in features or add-ons, so you can cut out the
upload process, and you could use Dreamweaver to build up your templates
and do copy 'n' paste, but it's obvious that you'd say that
user-friendliness is something different.
Well, on my part I'd say that the real question is rather if these
tools, I mean the Drupals, WordPresses, etc, were ever actually meant
for such disentermediated use or if this isn't something really
belonging to services like Blogger?

My personal opinion is that blogging software is half-way friendly, or
friendly enough for the motivated, and although there's always space for
improvement (and I sure hope they do mature, UX-wise), they were pretty
much meant to be like that.

> Is my impression that not a lot of money is being made either in blogging
> software or hosting so that the quality is not what it could be?

I don't know enough about the proprietary side of things to comment on
this. Anyone else who can shed some light?

- --

Andrea Resmini
Information architect
root at resmini.net

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