[Sigia-l] Taxonomies & Navigation

Peter Van Dijck petervandijck at gmail.com
Wed Aug 29 16:52:40 EDT 2007

Ziya, if you're starting a blog, I'm subscribing. Way overdue my friend!


On 8/29/07, Prentiss Riddle <riddle at io.com> wrote:
> Renata Zilse wrote:
> >
> > Why should be navigation reflects the taxonomy?
> > ... The user experience should not reflect the unit of
> > information organizing system.
> Doesn't it depend on which taxonomy we're talking about?
> The classic principle is that the website should not
> be structured like the org chart, because the user doesn't care
> about the org chart.  The same thing is often be true of other
> taxonomies (and hierarchies in general).
> However, sometimes there are taxonomies that users do understand
> and care about (which often interlock in faceted structures).  If
> you can find them, you can leverage them for navigation.
> The simplistic example is that one wouldn't want to organize a
> gardening site in terms of botanical taxonomy, but it's perfectly
> reasonable to use shallow "folk" taxonomies familiar to gardeners
> (trees and shrubs, fruits and vegetables, annual and perennial
> flowers, etc.).
> At the same time, it's legitimate to unobtrusively provide access
> via the org chart or the botanical taxonomy for the experts who
> need it.
> -- Prentiss Riddle ("aprendiz de todo, maestro de nada")
> -- riddle at io.com  http://prentissriddle.com
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> IA Summit 2008: "Experiencing Information"
> April 10-14, 2008, Miami, Florida
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