[Sigia-l] Searching for Ms. Dewey, part deux

Ziya Oz listera at earthlink.net
Wed Aug 22 04:23:45 EDT 2007

Eric Scheid:

> Or are you saying system strategy should be a component of design?

I've said, for years, design practiced without system level strategy is
playing at the margins. This is a splendid illustration of it. Visually
appealing presentation that does pretty much nothing to the core
system/architecture which is MSN search in this case, and is thus
preordained to fail. Lipstick. OK, pink lipstick.

Likewise, pretty much every iPod-killer out there remains a gadget whose
un-integratable components (DRM, codes, music store, OS, etc) come from
disparate, often competing companies, where as Apple can strategically
create an integrated *system* tightly coupling many components
(iPod/iTMS/iTunes/etc) into a synchronous pipeline of innovation.


"Every problem comes from a solution."

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