[Sigia-l] "Messy" design, Indian style

Ziya Oz listera at earthlink.net
Sat Aug 18 22:21:58 EDT 2007

Anjali Arora:

> 1. American malls do appear sterile & repetitive.

And not by accident. ;-)

If they have American malls in India, are they financially successful?

Also, Wal-Mart may be considered second rate shopping UX in America, but
when Wal-Mart opens a store in a developing world it's the difference
between a Prada store and a bodega in NYC, when compared to what surrounds
it. So there's contextual difference.

What interests me is what happens over time. After a generation, what does
the indigenous population think of the imposition of order, sterility,
cleanliness, etc?

In that sense, this is another facet of the "Google in Asia" story. Do you
{cater to | exploit | acknowledge | pander to} the existing ways of doing
business under the banner of cultural sensitivity or do you patiently
introduce and stick to your original approach, which may in fact be your
long term competitive advantage, even in a 'foreign' setting?

Nullius in Verba 

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