[Sigia-l] No comment necessary

Eric Scheid eric.scheid at ironclad.net.au
Mon Aug 13 03:21:59 EDT 2007

On 13/8/07 4:21 PM, "Andrew Boyd" <facibus at gmail.com> wrote:

>> <http://www.redesignme.org/>
> I'll comment then... is this a spoof site, advertising linkbait, or
> worstoftheweb.com bait? :)
> They have encapsulated much that is truly annoying about Flash and
> taken it to the next level. Remarkable.

Additionally ironic in that it's not particularly original.

Before <http://goodexperience.com/tib/> there was
<http://www.baddesigns.com/>, and before that possibly more.

I like the latter, in that it's less ranty/whiny and more optimistic :-)


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