[Sigia-l] Invitation to participate in International Workshop on Digital Preservation of Heritage

Arup Raychaudhury arup at isical.ac.in
Sun Aug 5 23:55:21 EDT 2007


Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata (India), in association with 
Department of Science & Technology, Government of West Bengal and Goethe-
Institut, New Delhi is organizing an the following international workshop:

Title: Workshop on Digital Preservation of Heritage: Research Issues
       in Archiving and Retrieval

Date: 29-31 October 2007

Venue: Indian Statistical Institute
            203 BT Road
            Kolkata 700108 (India)

   o Participants from India and SAARC Countries: Indian Rs. 2000.00
   o Participants from Developing Countries: US $ 75.00
   o Participants from other countries: US $ 100.00

   o Students qualify for 50% discount

Invited Speakers

Professor Noriko Kando, Japan
Professor Mohammad Zubair, USA
Professor Michael A. Shepherd, USA
Dr. Thomas Stacker, Germany
Dr. Reinhard Altenhoner, Germany
Dr.  Jean-Marc Comment, Switzerland
Professor Hussein Suleman, South Africa
Professor Mahendra Mahey, USA
Professor R. Manmatha, USA
Professor Schubert Foo, Singapore
Professor Vilas Wuwongse, Thailand
Professor A.Chatterjee, India
Professor Ratna Sanyal, India
Dr. V.N. Shukla,  India
Professor Santanu Chaudhary, India

For details, please visit http://www.isical.ac.in/~iwdph
Arup Raychaudhury
Convener-IWDPH 2007
Library, Documentation &  Information Science Division
Indian Statistical Institute
203 BT Road
Calcutta 700 108

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