[Sigia-l] (event) Workshop: "The Taming of the New - Larry Keeley on Innovation" Tuesday, Sept. 18, Seattle

Andrew Boyd facibus at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 18:54:34 EDT 2007

On 8/3/07, Christopher Fahey <askrom at graphpaper.com> wrote:
> I'd love to hear how exactly Mr. Keely manages to measure "innovation
> success rates" quantitatively at all, much less express it as a
> percentage.
> -Cf

Hi Christopher,

if you had to do this yourself, how would you do it? I ask this as
someone with an interest in real innovation (as opposed to corporate
consensus brainstorming and "don't you worry your pretty little head
about it, leave it to the Official Innovation Department (TM)"

Can growth due to innovation be isolated from all other factors such
that it can be measured?

Cheers, Andrew

Andrew Boyd

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