[Sigia-l] the evaporation of tag clouds

Paola Kathuria paola at limov.com
Mon Apr 30 07:56:56 EDT 2007

Webb, KerryA wrote:
> Any time you're feeling nostalgic, try http://www.librarything.com

Thanks for the link.

Ah, folksonomies, ya gotta luv 'em...

 20th c
 20th c.
 20th century

(from http://www.librarything.com/tagcloud.php)

I also noticed aliases on http://www.librarything.com/tag/tbr

   Tag info: tbr

   Includes: tbr, Book to read, books to read, to be read,
   to read, to-read, toread, to_be_read, to_read

Are these set up manually by LT?


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