[Sigia-l] the evaporation of tag clouds

Katie Ware kcoleware at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 27 09:06:29 EDT 2007

(Dick - could you forward please? thanks!)
Anyone look at Amazon lately? I saw their introduction of tag clouds as a shift to using in more "main stream" sites. A sign that tags (and tag clouds) aren't only for the "geeky"? 
Although I would say we're not quite at critical mass for comprehension of tag clouds. In some recent user research, participants chose the tag cloud option because one of the "tags" was "30 minutes or less" (topic was recipes), rather than it gave them the tag options. (Caveat - this was an incidental observation, not the focus of the research).
- Katie

> Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2007 19:50:21 +1000> From: facibus at gmail.com> To: paola at limov.com> CC: sigia-l at asis.org> Subject: Re: [Sigia-l] the evaporation of tag clouds> > On 4/27/07, Paola Kathuria <paola at limov.com> wrote:> > Is it me or have tag clouds gone out of fashion?> >> > I'm trying to remember the last time I saw one.> >> >> > Paola> > Hi Paola,> > I see a lot of them still, reading blogs and looking for more blogs on> technorati. Oh, and on ProgrammableWeb. It is possible to go tag-cloud> crazy, perhaps there is a backlash against the misapplication of them> (driven I suspect by the misapprehension that "tags are Web 2.0, Web> 2.0 is cool, tags are cool, tag clouds with lots of tags must be> better").> > Cheers, Andrew> > ---> Andrew Boyd> http://skonkwerks.net/facibusreviews> ------------> IA Summit 2008: "Experiencing Information" > April 10-14, 2008, Miami, Florida> > -----> When replying, please *trim your post* as much as possible.> *Plain text, please; NO Attachments> > Searchable Archive at http://www.info-arch.org/lists/sigia-l/> ________________________________________> Sigia-l mailing list -- post to: Sigia-l at asis.org> Changes to subscription: http://mail.asis.org/mailman/listinfo/sigia-l

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