[Sigia-l] NextD takes a slash at "Findability, InformationArchitecture"

Andrew Boyd facibus at gmail.com
Wed Apr 11 18:40:57 EDT 2007

On 4/12/07, Ziya Oz <listera at earthlink.net> wrote:
> However, I think history won't be kind to the LIS faction of IA that tried
> to steer it away from the holistic process of Design to a pseudo-scientific
> orthodoxy, rendering IAs as operational apparatchiks drowning in a sea of
> academic babble and deliverables. I suspect Dante has already reserved a
> reception area for those involved. :-)

So we can take it that you are not a member of the LIS School Fan Club? :)

I think that history will record that they contributed to the Science
of IA just as the "it's the Design, daahling" latte and turtleneck
faction have contributed to the Art of IA. I think we needed, and we
still need, both. If nothing else the vigour of the debate is a good
sign that we do think about what we do. It would be nice sometimes if
it could be done with a little less cattiness from both sides, but
hey, you get that :)

So, a question... is "deliverable culture" the sole province of the
people with LIS backgrounds?

And another: if there is a "LIS faction" and "Design faction" in IA,
what are the defining characteristics of both? Is it something that we
could run a questionnaire on and gather some numbers?

Cheers, Andrew

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