[Sigia-l] NextD takes a slash at "Findability, InformationArchitecture"

Donna Maurer donnam at maadmob.net
Fri Apr 6 18:11:24 EDT 2007

Lee Hsieh wrote:
> ..other than the turgid prose, the overall meaning is spot on.  There is still a narrow, 'ivory-tower' mindset among a number of practicing IAs which can be largely attributed to a few, vocal individuals in the past who cared more about self-promotion than cross-disciplinary collaboration.
I've heard this criticism many times over the years, and I have been an 
IA for years and I never understand who is being attacked. Many of the 
vocal individuals in IA are also very involved in community and 
collaboration, so I can never figure this one out.

Could you please clarify who you are talking about?
> As for the pdf format, it makes sense. if i spent a whole afternoon writing 6-page rebuttal, i certainly wouldn't want to make easy for others to copy/paste my thoughts out of context.
It is no harder to copy content out of a PDF file than a web page...


Donna Maurer
Maadmob Interaction Design
e: donna at maadmob.net
web: http://maadmob.net/maadmob_id/
book: http://rosenfeldmedia.com/books/cardsorting/

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