[Sigia-l] Lansdown Lecture: Bamber Gascoigne on Digital History - LONDON Tue 17 April at 16:45

Stephen Boyd Davis s.boyd-davis at mdx.ac.uk
Mon Apr 2 09:09:38 EDT 2007

Lansdown Lecture: Bamber Gascoigne on Digital History

+ Date: Tuesday 17 April 2007

+ Time: 4:45pm for one hour

+ Location: Middlesex University, London, EN4 8HT
    Cat Hill Campus: Room 137.

Admission is free.

Lansdown Lecture: Bamber Gascoigne on Digital History

The evolution of a digital idea - HistoryWorld and TimeSearch

Yesterday is history. After lunch, this morning is history. Bamber
Gascoigne's raw material is events of any kind, whenever they may have

In his digital history and chronology projects, Bamber Gascoigne is
exploiting to the full the potential of the Web to make accessible huge
quantities of information in a way which is not only manageable but
enjoyable to use. 

About the speaker:
Bamber Gascoigne is a distinguished television presenter and author.

He is best known as the first quizmaster of the UK's University Challenge
(1962-87) and as the author-presenter of TV documentaries (his 13-part
series The Christians has this month been issued as a set of DVDs). But his
main working life has been as an author, in the past ten years for the
internet. His two websites, HistoryWorld and TimeSearch, contain about 1.5
million words - the equivalent of ten books.

He has devoted much of his time to establishing the online history sites
History World and TimeSearch.


Any enquires to Stephen Boyd Davis:  s.boyd-davis at mdx.ac.uk


Forthcoming Lansdown Lectures:

+ Jennifer Sheridan - Tuesday 17 April 2007
Digital Live Artist and Computer Scientist

+ Jon Kingsbury - Wednesday 25 April 2007
Head of External Supply, BBC Future Media & Technology
BBC 2.0 - Time to re-invent the British Broadcasting Corporation?

Jon Kingsbury explores why the BBC needs to change radically and what its
options are for the next 5 years.

+ Paul Brown - Tuesday 1 May 2007
Paul Brown, Visiting Professor at the Centre for Computational Neuroscience
and Robotics and Department of Informatics, University of Sussex on
Drawbots: Computational Intelligence, Creativity and Cognition

Paul will talk about the Drawbots project and the philosophical and artistic
issues of mechanised artwork, set in the context of his own long-term
artistic investigations.

Stephen Boyd Davis 
Head, Lansdown Centre for Electronic Arts
Middlesex University, Cat Hill, Barnet, Herts  EN4 8HT
United Kingdom 
Tel 44 (0)20 8411 5072
The Centre's Web Pages are at http://www.cea.mdx.ac.uk/

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