[Sigia-l] RSS usage. Was Rant about bad IA practice.

Stewart Dean stew8dean at hotmail.com
Sun Oct 29 09:41:13 EST 2006

Thanks for the links Rabor.

It appears the RSS thing has stirred up some mixed emotions here. What appears to be the case is that about 10% of users use RSS, although this figure is much higher on some sites. Information professionals are grasping onto the practical users or RSS and it's changing their behavour so for specialist information RSS feeds are a no brainer.

The RSS has a lots of potential and uptake is rising.  I think my original point is that for the average user it still remains a confusing technology.  A lot has been done to try and make it easier to understand but it's lead to a huge amount of small icons appear in sites

i spent about ten minutes trying to find usage figure for RSS but only managed to find this.


But it's worth noting that a site using it and users using are not the same thing. So yes RSS is still a farily geeky thing as it's not a transparent technology for the users. The BBC has it on their site but how many use it?  Any BBC folks here?


Stewart Dean

> Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2006 05:03:48 -0800
> From: gaborpor at yahoo.com
> To: sigia-l at asis.org
> Subject: Re: [Sigia-l] Rant about bad IA practice.
> Re,
> After so many guesses on this list how many people use RSS
> I wanted to see some numbers. I checked out the first link
> of a Google search for "rss statistics." Here are a few
> numbers from that site/blog (all with sources):
> http://rssdiary.marketingstudies.net/content/cat_rss_statistics.php
> April 18, 2006
> RSS is currently used or is planned to be used within the
> next 12 months by 63% of consumer product marketers, 65%
> media and communications marketers, 37% retail marketers,
> 37% financial services marketers and 38% equipment and tech
> marketers.
> March 16, 2006
> According to TechNewsWorld 34.4% of the Chineese internet
> population already uses RSS. Of course, the study,
> conducted by polling 2,689 people is hardly conclussive,
> but at least the indications are here.
> September 27, 2005
> In an announcement of their Consumer Forum 2005 event,
> Forrester Research reports that RSS is now being used by 6%
> of consumers, compared with 2% in 2004.
> Also, when Yahoo(Answers) CNN, Google (News) has RSS, I
> would not call it a tool for geeky sites only. :-)
> Bye,
> Gabor
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