[Sigia-l] Rant about bad IA practice.

Dwayne King pinpointlogic at mac.com
Fri Oct 27 10:42:05 EDT 2006

On Oct 27, 2006, at 1:27 AM, Ziya Oz wrote:

> At one time:

> 'The average user' didn't know what a browser-based email account was.

I don't think they do yet. Not saying they don't use them, but call  
up your mom and tell her to "go get on a browser-based email client"

> 'The average user' didn't know how to use ... web-based telephony.
> 'The average user' didn't know how to buy books, tickets, music,  
> toys and
> any number of 2,398,674 kinds of merchandise online.

On the above issues. I'd like to think tat we all had something to do  
with this shift. I think it happened through critical evaluation of  
the products that existed and figured out how to design them in a  
paradigm that the user understands. I don't agree wholesale with  
Stewart's assessments, but like that he's kicking some sacred cows. I  
don't care how well (or poorly)  things have been implemented,  
there's always room for improvement.

> At one time, somebody somewhere worried that the introduction of  
> electricity
> would ruin humankind.

Up for debate :)

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