[Sigia-l] Do Make Me Think!

Skot Nelson skot at penguinstorm.com
Tue Oct 17 09:58:29 EDT 2006

On Oct-16-2006, at 02:54 , Patrick Walsh wrote:

> Does all information have to be via a web page? Human beings are  
> quite good
> at answering 'soft queries'. Most sites have 'Contact Us' sections  
> where
> you can e-mail queries

Yes and no, I suppose. I've long thought that travel sites were well  
suited for straightforward trips. I would never phone a travel agent  
again to book a flight from Vancouver to Toronto.

In most cases, if the trip is a fairly straightforward Point A -->  
Point B trip online solutions *generally* work fairly well. I was  
looking into flights to Europe (not something I know much about) and  
had no trouble finding dozens of workable options.

Now, if I'm trying to book a flight from Vancouver to Toronto and  
then to Halifax and back to Vancouver....I wouldn't book that online.  
It's a complicated trip, and not well suited to booking online.

Hotels? Sometimes, very nice to have someone who will provide some  
advice...help me find a decent hotel in a good location. Probably a  
conversation with a person is a good thing. That conversation could  
happen with someone I know who lives there, or it could happen with a  
travel agency, or it could happen with a hotel. No matter who it's  
with, a human conversation is going to reveal a lot more useful  

Just my 2 cents.
Skot Nelson
skot (at) penguinstorm (dot) com

skype. skot.nelson

	"In anything at all, perfection is finally attained not when
	 there is no longer anything to add, but when there
	 is no longer anything to take away."
	-- Antonine de Saint-Exupéry, Wind, Sand and Stars

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