[Sigia-l] Do Make Me Think!

Skot Nelson skot at penguinstorm.com
Tue Oct 17 09:46:33 EDT 2006

On Oct-16-2006, at 03:18 , Patrick Walsh wrote:

>> How about a fall-back option to the web search - when a user  
>> struggles
>> too long with a search he would be automatically offered contact with
>> a human consultant?
> Might save potential customers from going elsewhere.

For any business this is not an option, but essential.

You can try to push 100% of your business online, but it's not a  
*great* strategy for success.

Success comes from being there for your customers when they want you  
to be and *how* they want you to be: online, in person, on the phone  

There are, of course, exceptions -- but not really. The iTunes Music  
Store has *no* telephone customer service; consequently, there are  
people who will never buy from the iTunes Music Store (or never buy  
again, as the case may be.)

Personal interaction is still a key component of commerce.
Skot Nelson
skot (at) penguinstorm (dot) com

skype. skot.nelson

	"In anything at all, perfection is finally attained not when
	 there is no longer anything to add, but when there
	 is no longer anything to take away."
	-- Antonine de Saint-Exupéry, Wind, Sand and Stars

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