[Sigia-l] Do Make Me Think!

andrew at humaneia.com andrew at humaneia.com
Sun Oct 15 20:57:43 EDT 2006

Quoting Skot Nelson <skot at penguinstorm.com>:

> There are, to be fair, almost infinite number of scenarios in travel.
> (I'm travelling and staying with friends, stop bugging me about
> hotels. I'm traveling but I don't have a driver's licence - stop
> bugging me about cars. I'm traveling by car and only need a hotel -
> stop bugging me about planes.)


I'd be really happy if the travel industry could get its collective act 
together and solve the "OK, so you don't have any flights departing 
that day in the afternoon and leaving to come home on that other 
morning... what are my options?" instead of the #$%^&s making us guess 
and guess and guess again. :) Some airline sites do this well, most do 

Cheers, Andrew

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