[Sigia-l] Design and Religion

Patrick Walsh patrick.walsh at hertshighways.org.uk
Wed Oct 4 04:35:16 EDT 2006

Well said Arthur. I am not religious but agree wholeheartedly with Abe
Lincoln -
'I care not for a man's religion whose dog and cat (and presumably users)
are not the better for it'

Another of his quotes that also describes my philosophy -
'When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. Thats my religion'

Patrick C Walsh,

                      Arthur Fink                                                                                                       
                      <arthur at arthurfin        To:       Ziya Oz <listera at earthlink.net>, SIGIA-L <sigia-l at asis.org>                    
                      k.com>                   cc:                                                                                      
                      Sent by:                 Subject:  Re: [Sigia-l] Design and Religion                                              
                      sigia-l-bounces at a                                                                                                 
                      04/10/2006 08:34                                                                                                  

At 12:44 AM 10/4/2006, Ziya Oz wrote:

>I am interested in how "other" concerns/ethics/religion/priorities/etc
>impact "professional" aspects of design? Does religion? How about
>Or even politics?

My faith leads me to COMPASSION.

And compassion is a good attitude with which to approach the user, or
would be user, of the products I work with.

My business card says, "Listening to Users".  It should or could also
say, "and caring about them".

The content of my faith is a private matter -- something I'm happy to
talk about off line with anybody, but not something I want to
broadcast on a business-related list.  But the social implications of
my faith, and the need for action, is very public.

Arthur Fink

          ARTHUR FINK Consulting  arthur at arthurfink.com
           Ten New Island Avenue  Listening to users
       Peaks Island, Maine 04108  Designing for people
              www.ArthurFink.com  User interfaces that work
207.766.5722  cell 207.615.5722  Progress training + consulting

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