[Sigia-l] What am I missing...

Will Parker wparker at channelingdesign.com
Wed Nov 1 14:13:48 EST 2006

> ...from this?
> <http://www.flowser.com>
> ----
> Ziya

A) That you have before you an excellent argument against allowing  
programmers to participate in the design of user interfaces or  

B) That you'll never need to come up with another "How would you  
approach this problem?" example when interviewing job applicants?

C) That Amazon's current interface is sufficiently awful that it can  
drive unqualified people to spend at least 6 hours attempting to do  

[Disclaimer: I'm currently working on option C myself.]

- Will
Will Parker
wparker at ChannelingDesign.com

"The only people who value your specialist knowledge are the ones who  
already have it." - William Tozier

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