[Sigia-l] Taxonomy Community call Wed 29th - Indexing and Taxonomies

Seth Earley seth at earley.com
Mon Mar 27 10:27:04 EST 2006


Here is our next CoP call this Wednesday.  (Sorry for the short notice). 
- Seth
The relationship between indexing and taxonomy creation

The next Taxonomy Community of Practice call is on Wednesday March 29th,
2006 at 2:00 PM EST. Cost is $50 per attendee. 

Register for the session
ty=1 this link does not work, go to www.earley.com to register) 

Building indexes and taxonomies are two sides of the same coin.
Understanding each process and how they are related can yield insights that
will improve the effectiveness of search and navigation. 

A taxonomy is a structure into which we "place" content. (Metaphorically of
course since we know that a taxonomy is not the same as navigation... ) An
index is a structure that contains pointers to specific content. A taxonomy
could also therefore be an index and vice versa. 

In each case, the structure is derived from the content, but an index is
more about a specific body of content. A taxonomy is more generalized and
has to be more flexible. 

But we also "index" content with terms from the taxonomy. Sound confusing?
Good! Attend the call and have the fog lifted. And learn ways to improve
taxonomy development and indexing processes. 

Back of the book indexing, web site indexing and taxonomies

*	What are the definitions of "indexing"? 
*	What can the indexing process tell us about taxonomy development? 
*	How do "back of the book" indexes and A-Z web site indexes provide
insights about taxonomy development and tagging? 
*	What are the best practices for tagging documents? 

We'll hear from Fred Leise of Contextual Analysis and Heather Hedden of
Hedden Information Management. 

About your presenters: 

Heather Hedden, principal of Hedden Information Management, is an
information professional with over eight year's experience in controlled
vocabulary management and thesaurus development at the Gale Group.
Previously she worked as a periodical database indexer with Gale's
predecessor, Information Access Company. As senior vocabulary editor at
Gale, she also developed taxonomies for web search interfaces 

Fred Leise, owner and principle of ContextualAnalysis, LLC, offers
information architecture and metadata/thesaurus design consulting services
for such clients as Abbott Laboratories, Accenture, UN ReliefWeb,
Hewlett-Packard, and Columbia College Chicago. He also provides commissioned
indexes to scholarly, trade and textbooks in international relations, the
humanities and sciences. As an information architect at Argus Associates,
Inc., he worked on projects for LookSmart, Morningstar.com and L.L. Bean,
among others prestigious clients. He also led teams codifying Argus's
classification scheme and comparative analysis methodologies, and worked
with the Vice President of Operations in restructuring the company's
information architecture training process. 

Join the free taxonomy community of practice yahoo group

If you have problems registering on line, please contact Monique deVries at
Earley & Associates. monique at earley.com or call 781-444-0287 ext. 805 

Earley & Associates provides organizations with taxonomy strategy,
development and implementation services to support content management,
knowledge management, e commerce, enterprise integration, portal and
compliance initiatives. 


Seth Earley
Earley & Associates, Inc

email: seth at earley.com
phone: 781-444-0287
web: http://www.earley.com 

Earley & Associates, Inc | 274 Rosemary Street | Needham | MA | 02494 	

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