[Sigia-l] [ANNOUNCEMENT] IAI Annual Meeting, March 26, 6:00-7:00 pm Hyatt Hotel, Vancouver, Canada

Jess McMullin jess.lists at nform.ca
Wed Mar 15 12:38:42 EST 2006


To preface this note: The IAI Board appreciates all your input in the last
few days here on SIGIA, and we enjoy hearing and learning from the
community. We'll continue to listen to each of you, no matter how you get in
touch (and yes, we've had some technical glitches there - these are getting

Because the IA Summit is the largest face to face gathering of our members,
we will hold an IAI Membership meeting in Vancouver on Sunday, March 26th,
from 6:00-7:00 pm at the Hyatt hotel (the specific room will be announced at
the Summit).


1. Call to Order
2. President's Report
3. Treasury Report
4. Initiative Review
5. Membership Discussion 

We will be publishing our Annual Report on the IA Institute website later
this week, in order to give everyone time to consider where we are, and
where we'd like to go.

For members who *cannot* attend the Summit, please send me your comments
that you would like raised at the meeting. I will print your emails and
bring them to the meeting, and share your comments with the group.
Unfortunately, due to commitments to work and family, I will not be able to
have a conversation with each of you about your suggestions, concerns, or
applause, but rest assured your voice will be heard in Vancouver.

Things we're working on right now that you won't see in the Annual report,
but will come through in discussion include:
- IA Institute site redesign
- Podcasting from the Summit
- IAI Business Plan is well under way
- A Big Event, later this year (details to be released at the Summit
- and more...


Jess McMullin
Director, IA Institute

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