[Sigia-l] Why does not real IA tool exist? was Re: Where's the reality?

Jacco Nieuwland jacco at nieuwland.net
Sun Mar 12 08:21:51 EST 2006

Not sure if you're going to be at the IA Summit this month, but if you 
are, make sure you visit the poster session. I'll be presenting a poster 
(and hopefully a demonstration too) of a toolset for Visio. For Visio 
I've created a set of templates and macros that allow the export of both 
screenflows and wireframes into one integrated HTML deliverable. This 
allows the client/developer/QA person to navigate through the 
screenflow/sitemap, and see the wireframes here too. It also supports a 
sort of  rough protoyping functionality, by means of hyperlinks within 
the wireframes.

I'll be looking for interested people during the conference that want to 
give the tool (which is currently lacking documentation or support) a 
testrun. I'll try to get a limited set of beta-testers to have a look at 
it, then improve it, make sure documentation is ready and hopefully in a 
couple of months start to offer the tool for download.

Hope to talk to you and other interested people in Vancouver,


> No you've hit upon my biggest problem with IA at the moment - there 
> currently exists no real IA tool. Unless, of course, others know 
> differently.
> Stew Dean
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