[Sigia-l] Eliminating categories in favour of tagging

andrew at friendlymanual.com andrew at friendlymanual.com
Fri Mar 10 03:37:19 EST 2006

Quoting Alexander Johannesen <alexander.johannesen at gmail.com>:

> Hmm, who was it that coined "tagging is poor-mans uncontrolled
> vocabulary"? Maybe I just did, but it's a good quote. :)
> Well, apart from being a best-practice thing, it's also a misguided
> one.

Hi Alex,

It depends how you allow the end users to do the tagging - if it is free text,
then quite frankly, you deserve what you get. It can be as controlled as you
like  if you provide them with a bunch of checkboxes populated with CV terms
and make them submit non-preferreds for addition separately.

Just a thought :)

Cheers, Andrew

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