[Sigia-l] Being considerate of others (Off Topic Posts)

Skot Nelson skot at penguinstorm.com
Wed Mar 8 22:56:47 EST 2006

On Mar-8-2006, at 11:08 AM, Sean Lawrence wrote:

> I agree and if this becomes another "Let's boot Ziya" meme, I'm  
> going to stab my computer.

I guess this would mean you're leaving the list too?

Seriously, I've long since accepted that the signal to noise of this  
unfiltered list is just too high, and my solution was to set up a  
filter that deletes postings from He-Who-Is-Too-Prolific  
(incidentally, I actually filter two people.)

The sad thing is, occasionally He-Has-Something-Interesting-Too-Say  
but does not understand the concept of brevity.

In the end, I catch some of this -- unfortunately this burdens each  
and every one of you with the job of filtering the list for me. I  
thank you all.

I personally think it's abusive, but since no one seems to want to  
move this list to full moderation, there is no other solution for me  
if I want the knowledge this list shares.

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