[Sigia-l] graded categories?

andrew at friendlymanual.com andrew at friendlymanual.com
Sun Mar 5 21:29:58 EST 2006

Quoting Davezilla <davezilla at gmail.com>:

> Homo sapiens are omnivores, aren't they?

Without context the information is not as useful :)

Some H.sapiens sapiens are omnivores. Most (but not all) are potentially
omnivorous from a physical perspective, but for various cultural reasons some
are more carnivorous, some more 'vegevorous'.

The average Aussie meat-and-two-veg-she'll-be-right-mate has a different mix of
omnivorism to his/her North American counterpart, although thanks to the
'benefits' of MacCulture this is changing. The carnivorous component to the
diet varies a lot as well.

Once again, the blunt application of hierarchical categorisation is no solution

Cheers, Andrew

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