[Sigia-l] Search Solutions Conference Call - June 9th, 2006 (free)

Stephanie Lemieux Stephanie at earley.com
Thu Jun 1 11:02:55 EDT 2006

Search Solutions Conference Call - June 9th, 2006 (free)                    
June 9th, 2006                                                              


 We will have a free vendor-sponsored search solutions call June 9th at 1 PM

 EDT. I run these calls from time to time at no charge to hear from

 innovative technology firms. On occasion we offer these vendor sponsored

 calls when they offer real educational value and are not just a pitch for

 products and services.


 Register by signing up for the mailing list:
(select the free search call list and any others that interest you).


 In this session, we will see examples of advanced and innovative integrated
search   environments that will leverage various classes of search tool.
 will include:

       Complex federated search

       Leveraging of large taxonomies

       Integration of multiple taxonomies

       Entity extraction

       Advanced clustering to improve search results and usability

       Integration of public data sources with custom taxonomies

       Auto linking of results

       Streamlined search that combines multiple data sources and leverages

       one result set to derive the second result set

       Natural language queries and semantic search

 Full session description: http://www.earley.com/searchcall.html

 Teragram is a well known tool vendor whose linguistic analysis engine has

 been incorporated into major search vendor's offerings. You could say

 "Teragram doesn't make search tools, they make search tools better" (to

 paraphrase the old BASF commercials...). You'll learn how this particular

 tool addresses many taxonomy challenges (such as leveraging large

 taxonomies and term disambiguation).


 Raritan is an integration firm comprised of a bunch of talented engineers

 who have been building complex search integration applications for the past

 10 years. They use a framework that they have developed to help tie the

 pieces together - taxonomy integration, search integration, cascading

 search queries and other very innovative ways of putting the pieces



 Earley & Associates, Inc (www.earley.com) helps organizations in the areas
of content management, knowledge management, search, and taxonomy strategy.
They offer  results driven solutions that allow our clients to realize a
better return  
 on their investment in content management and collaboration systems.


 If you have problems registering, please contact Stephanie Lemieux at 
 Earley & Associates. stephanie at earley.com.



 Stephanie Lemieux (on behalf of Seth Earley)

 Earley & Associates, Inc


 email: seth at earley.com

 phone: 781-444-0287

 web: http://www.earley.com



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