[Sigia-l] Task analysis grid

Todd Warfel lists at toddwarfel.com
Thu Jul 20 09:13:34 EDT 2006

Okay, so, I'm getting a lot of requests for this thing. I'm more than  
happy to share it with all of you. I'm going to post it on my blog  
and you guys can grab it from there. I'll have it up on Friday and  
send the URL to the list.


Todd R. Warfel
Partner, Design & Usability Specialist
Messagefirst | designing and usability consulting
Contact Info
Voice:    (607) 339-9640
Email:    todd at messagefirst.com
AIM:       twarfel at mac.com
Blog:      http://toddwarfel.com
In theory, theory and practice are the same.
In practice, they are not.

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