[Sigia-l] Are your intensions good/

Ziya Oz listera at earthlink.net
Mon Jul 10 00:10:52 EDT 2006

Christopher Fahey:

> If your design thwarts user objectives but wholly supports the company's
> business objectives, then you can still still possibly consider yourself an
> ethical UX designer.

Interesting way to put it.

Consider this: Would it be ethical to design for a spam/spyware company?

No? What if you were located in, say, Bulgaria and had a five-year old child
who needed impending surgery, the money for which could most efficiently and
legally be procured by you designing for this local outfit?

Yes, as I think you suggest, there are gray zones out there; we all make
little and big Faustian bargains. But I'm uncomfortable with divorcing
professional ethics from personal ethics: they are after all bargains and
the former cannot be a cover for the latter.

Do we really need third-party "professional" design ethics beyond our
personal compass?


Usability >  Simplify the Solution
Design >  Simplify the Problem

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