[Sigia-l] Don't go chasing waterfalls?

Donna Maurer donna at maadmob.net
Tue Jan 31 04:54:35 EST 2006

Now I can't tell whether you are joking or not. So I'll explain.

I've done loads of IA projects for big, content rich sites. It can be a bit tricky to figure 
out the top couple of 'levels' of the site and their labels. And it's not so hard to draw up 
a page that says 'global navigation goes here, local navigation goes there, put a news 
box in the middle, content block here, related links at the side and a search box in the 
top banner'. (Yes, I've done exactly this on silly time-constrained projects and seen it 
done way more often)

But the really, really hard work is making this work for every content element and page 
in the rest of a big site, communicating it to authors etc...

Anyway, I think you know that ;)


On 31 Jan 2006 at 3:41, Listera wrote:
> Surely, you're jesting?
> ----
> Ziya

Donna Maurer
Maadmob Interaction Design

e: donna at maadmob.net
work: 	http://maadmob.com.au/
blog: 	http://maadmob.net/donna/blog/
AOL IM: maadmob

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