[Sigia-l] RE: Sigia-l Digest, Vol 16, Issue 30

Chad Fennell libsys at gmail.com
Mon Jan 30 11:30:45 EST 2006

On a similar note, a distant relative of mine (two generations back)
started at Caterpillar as a manual laborer and eventually became an
executive in charge of over 20,000 employees.  And they almost didn't
hire him because he could barely pick up several parts that went on
the engines he was to assemble.  He's 92, I think, and he still mows
his lawn :).

Still, I wonder if stories like these (in any industry) might not be
more rare now; it seems like people spend more time worrying about
credentials these days than in those times.   But I suppose there are
probably lots of examples of *nix geeks with music degrees who now run
big IT shops.  Ok, enough armchair sociology.  Back to the grind.


On 1/30/06, Louise Hewitt <lhlists at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 1/27/06, Trenouth, John <John.Trenouth at cardinal.com> wrote:
> >
> > (and honestly, can you name any manual laborers who are now CEOs or
> > software or media companies?)
> >
> Perhaps you need to rethink your ceilings. My own father began work in
> the post room of a large corp and ended up MD. It does happen to
> people who aim high.
> Your post makes it sound like being an IA would prevent someone from
> achieving a high-flying career path. I'm sure thats not what you
> intended.
> I think most sucessful businesses would agree that any employees who
> had a deep understanding of the companies business processes, customer
> needs, corporate strategy and goals and the ability to facilitate
> communication across different staff units would be an ideal MD (or,
> to give them the US TLA: CEO).
> my thrupennybit .
> Lou.
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