[Sigia-l] Philly ACM SIGCHI Meeting, 2/8, 6pm, Speaker, Dan Brown!

Kyle Pero kylepero at usableinterface.com
Thu Jan 19 23:45:32 EST 2006

**Apologies to those that have received this announcement more than once**

What: PHICHI February Meeting – “Ten Wireframing Decisions”

When: Wednesday, February 8th
Refreshments & Networking: 6-6:30pm
Presentation: 6:30pm – 8:00ish

Where: UPenn Campus - Room TBD

Registration Fee: FREE! (RSVP required. See below*)

Speaker: Dan Brown

Presentation: Ten Wireframing Decisions

Practice information architecture for any length of time and sooner or later
you'll be asked to create a wireframe. Wireframes—simplified views of web
page designs--come in all shapes and sizes and remain one of the field's
most controversial documents. Equal parts structure and visual design,
wireframes can elegantly illustrate design concepts and yet come fraught
with risk. To anticipate and help mitigate these risks, there are decisions
you should make BEFORE starting the wireframes. During this session,
participants will hear Dan's take on the ten decisions you need to make
prior to creating a set of wireframes. Since no two information architects
agree on the purpose, format, or contents of wireframes, however, this is
sure to lead to a lively discussion.

If you have some examples of wireframes you'd like to share during the
session, please email them to Dan (brownorama at gmail dot com) prior to
February 8th. The best example will get a free Visio 2003 Reference

Speaker Bio:
Dan Brown has been practicing information architecture and user experience
design since 1994. Through his consulting work in both public and private
sectors, he has improved enterprise communications for both Federal and
Fortune 500 clients, currently the Federal Communications Commission. Dan
writes and speaks frequently on information architecture, and contributed to
the inaugural issue of UX Matters, a new online magazine dedicated to user
experience design. Dan is very active in the local Washington, DC
information architecture community, and serves on the advisory board for the
Information Architecture Institute. He’s currently writing a book on

Read Dan Brown’s articles on Boxes and Arrows:

*RSVP Info:
You must RSVP to attend, as we have limited space. Send RSVPs to phillychi
at gmail dot com. You will receive an email confirmation once your name has
been added to the list of attendees.

PHICHI meetings are ALWAYS open to anyone who is interested in attending.
Membership to the ACM is NOT required. Stay informed on PHICHI meetings and
events by joining the PHICHI Yahoo group at:

Kyle Pero
Usable Interface - Usability and User Interface Design Consulting
Phone: 267-241-4786
Email: kylepero at usableinterface dot com

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