[Sigia-l] All it takes is 50 milliseconds

Eric Reiss elr at e-reiss.com
Mon Jan 16 15:23:39 EST 2006

An entry-level eye-tracking system generally costs about USD 11K.
That's a  lot of money. 

Nobody has said that eye-tracking wasn't useful on some level. But
whether or not to invest in one of these contraptions (and the
training of its operator) is really a question of priorities. Perhaps
this considerable sum might be better spent on improving the quality
of the content - which usually provides tremendous bang for the buck
and measureable ROI, but is far less glamorous.

Just my 2 cents - happily not my 10K,

e-reiss & associates
copenhagen, denmark

---- Original Message ----
From: John.Trenouth at cardinal.com
To: sigia-l at asis.org, 
Subject: RE: [Sigia-l] All it takes is 50 milliseconds
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 11:10:44 -0800

>So if an impression can be made in 50 milliseconds, then perhaps
>eye-tracking (to relate this to an earlier thread) *is* a useful 
>tool to understand what messages users' eyes are taking in and
>shouldn't be so easily dismissed.

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