[Sigia-l] Putting the "Graphic" back with "Designer"(was:thelesser importance of home pages)

Skot Nelson skot at penguinstorm.com
Thu Jan 5 21:34:36 EST 2006

> On 5/1/06 2:09 am, "Listera" <listera at rcn.com> wrote:
> Yes, and I was saying that *if* one takes the time to explain and  
> educate,
> there's no misunderstanding. You'd be surprised how receptive  
> people will
> be, especially the non-technical side.

Who has time to educate constantly when there's work to be done?

I wonder if the non-technical side is as receptive when they get an  
invoice for "education" on an hourly basis?

> I can hear the conversation now..
> 'I'm a designer'
> 'What do you design'
> 'Solutions'
> 'Solutions to what'
> 'Design problems'
> 'What kind of design problems?'

l.a.: "Who's on first"
b.c.: "The designer's on first"
l.a.: "Our next play is to first!"
b.c.: "Just wait a few minutes - he'll sketch out a preliminary  
solution to the play."
l.a.: "No. No. That's all wrong. We need to revise it."
b.c." "Uh oh. Look at the argument you've started."

(Guilty, as charged, incidentally.)
Scott Nelson
skot (at) penguinstorm (dot) com

skype. skot.nelson

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