[Sigia-l] Graphic visualization of hierarchical information

Chad Fennell libsys at gmail.com
Wed Jan 4 12:48:13 EST 2006

I believe this:


is the group that originally came up with the Smart Money interface. 
Ben Shneiderman (http://www.cs.umd.edu/~ben/) is the founding
director.  He has done a lot of  data visualization research and his
work would make a good starting point if you were interested in
learning more about this kind of approach.

Incidentally, you can get the original Treemap tool, which was
developed by Shneiderman in the 1990's.  Find it here:


A bunch of other data visualization projects:



On 1/3/06, Diane Deseta <deseta at mindspring.com> wrote:
> I came across this while doing some research. I haven't seen anyone try to do this since the New York Times' US election map in 2004.
> http://news.com.com/2001-11386_3-0.html?tag=ne.tab.hd
> Scroll down to the middle of the page to the What's Hot area and select the graphic radio button.
> I'm pleasantly surprised to see a major publication such as CNET taking some design risks. I think it is a gutsy attempt to engage users to interact with content housed within the right rail, which as many of us know, is almost impossible for us to do these days.
> Although I give them kudos for the gutsy move I'm giving them several demerits for a less than refined presentation. I particularly dislike the placement of the legend at the bottom of the graphic; seems like a rookie mistake to me. I also would have expected a little more graphical refinement in terms of font and used something other than a bunch of boxes with bold outlines.
> What do you think?
> Product Manager
> Direct: 678.597.5938
> ddeseta at knowledgestorm.com
> KnowledgeStorm
> www.knowledgestorm.com
> Diane DeSeta
> Information Architect
> deseta at mindspring.com
> 678.488.4664
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