[Sigia-l] Site maps for web apps, vs for content sites?

Stewart Dean stew8dean at hotmail.com
Mon Feb 13 20:24:44 EST 2006

>From: "Jonathan Baker-bates" <Jonathan.Baker-bates at framfab.com>

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Stewart Dean [mailto:stew8dean at hotmail.com]

> > So, if you don't mind me asking again, if you don't use a site map to
> > communicate how the site works then what are you using?
>I *do* use site maps, but I think you're asking why I don't use them for
>anything other than a general overview.
>The best I can do to answer your question is respond with the eternal
>"it depends." The project I'm on right now has a team of about 40 across
>three countries (two outsourced development shops, one internal, the UX
>and PM work being done internally by us). Six months into the project
>and we've not felt the need for a site map. At least, I've not felt the
>need, and the only person to ask for one was the main stakeholder, but
>they forgot about it pretty soon and haven't asked for one since. The
>project I was one before that (for BT Wholesale Markets, due to go live
>this week as it happens) did have one, but again it wasn't much more
>than a summary of what was going on in the IA. The meat was in a massive
>spreadsheet with lots of interesting columns, which was then used to
>create an XML schema that formed the actual content spec for the site.

I call the massive spreadsheet a content matrix, I use them on a regular 
basis with differnt columns depending on the project. They're great for 
documenting the site BUT I do defend the use of visual representations of 
structure in order to get a simpler view that often is lost with a content 
matrix, I believe you don't completely disagree as you say you do use site 
maps for high level conceptualisation.  As a matter of interest what do you 
mean by 'content spec'.  Also what purpose did the xml version of the 
spreadsheet used for - I'm hoping it was some kind of CMS automation but 
can't tell from what you wrote.

>To document system behaviour there's the old wireframes supported by the
>occasional prototype (on paper then via Fireworks to HTML) with some
>usage scenarios backed up by the big guns: flow diagrams referencing use
>cases coupled with business logic rules, UI messaging catalogues, data
>dictionaries... But no sitemap. Why bother?

To see what you're building I guess, drawing in the overall patterns in 
order to simplify and prune where needed, the framework for the project.  I 
tend to draw the site out and make it work before moving onto the content 
matrix phase where the detail is added.

One of these days we wont' have to touch paper to do IA work and we instead 
work in the CMS directly.

Stewart Dean

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