[Sigia-l] [comp] Re: website downloader

tOM Trottier tOM at Abacurial.com
Fri Dec 29 10:36:25 EST 2006

Dear Davezilla,

Many applications will copy a whole web site, eg, flashgot.

Happy New Year, tOM

On Friday, December 29, 2006 at 11:11,
Davezilla <davezilla at gmail.com> wrot

> On 12/29/06, Sapienza, Filipp <Filipp.Sapienza at cudenver.edu> wrote:
> > Is there an application that will give me a complete mirror of a
> website, or that will convert .asp > to .html files?
> There's a very powerful app called Web Devil that downloads
> everything, but it's Mac only.

-- Quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur --
   ,__@ 	tOM Trottier
 _-\_<, 	758 Albert St., Ottawa ON Canada  K1R 7V8
(*)/'(*)	N45.41235 W75.71345	+1 613 860-6633
<a href="http://Abacurial.com">Abacurial Information Architecture</a>
     Q,  Q,
    </  </    	This world, after all our science and sciences, is still 
 (`-/---/-')		a miracle; wonderful, inscrutable, magical and more, 
~~@~~~~@~~~~~~	to whosoever will think of it. --Thomas Carlyle

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