[Sigia-l] The Blessing of Stupidity (was Re: Ajax vs. $$$

Andrew andrew at humaneia.com
Wed Aug 30 04:22:28 EDT 2006

Ziya Oz wrote:
> When the chips are down, the *vast* majority of business are not interested
> in UCD, or frankly in any other kind of systematic design, period. This can
> be regarded as a disaster (job opportunities) or a blessing (business
> opportunities).

as long as long-term decisions keep being made in favour of short-term 
gain, there will be chaos a-plenty in which we can thrive. I personally 
think that the world is fertile ground for those who can provide elegant 
solutions to the effects of poor planning. Ain't it cool? :)

Andrew hoists a glass of Shiraz in the air and proposes a toast... 
"Here's to stupidity!" :)

Cheers, Andrew

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