[Sigia-l] Ajax vs. $$$

Todd Warfel lists at toddwarfel.com
Tue Aug 29 16:57:40 EDT 2006

On Aug 29, 2006, at 2:13 PM, David (Heller) Malouf wrote:
> Why do you have to have a page to have a refresh of the adverts?

You don't have to have page reloads if...

... they can support the technology and are willing to adapt a new  
business model.

You do have to have page reloads if...

... they don't have the capabilities (takes AJAX off the table for now)

... convincing a business that's been around for 50 years, has 1500  
content providers, supplies the backend for 24 different financial  
channels, and is doing really well  with the PPV model to change  
their business overnight is a bit of a challenge that takes longer  
than 3 months.

Now, if it were my company, much smaller (5 people), then we could do  

> Can't you get more ads per page view this way?

Yes, technically, of course you can. But in the case of BR, it's not  
a question of technically, it's a question of "Do they have the  
technical capability? Does their business model support it? (How  
quickly) are they willing to change their business model to  
accommodate this?"


Todd R. Warfel
Partner, Design & Usability Specialist
Messagefirst | designing and usability consulting
Contact Info
Voice:    (607) 339-9640
Email:    todd at messagefirst.com
AIM:       twarfel at mac.com
Blog:      http://toddwarfel.com
In theory, theory and practice are the same.
In practice, they are not.

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