[Sigia-l] The planetary classification conundrum... mental modelsoutside of the Web

Alexander Johannesen alexander.johannesen at gmail.com
Thu Aug 17 19:24:28 EDT 2006

Ziya Oz wrote:
> To use the canonical example, would you classify Britney Spears under
> "music"? If you are in the business of selling commercial CDs, yes. If
> you're a highfalutin music critiquing site dedicated to the art of, ahem,
> Monteverdi, perhaps not. :-)

Ok, I guess I have to bite on this one. :) Even for a snob like me,
the term 'music' _can_ be used for sounds bound to rythm, no matter
how badly it sounds. But I'm happy that Monteverdi is part of the
canonical example.

Fred Beecher wrote:
>> Where do we draw the line between needing to adhere to the mental model and
>> needing to change it?

There will never be a line where you can draw it; there's a big, gray
fuzzy area of the human perception in which something may or may not
happen, wheter it is category theory or love or logic. We humans are
some seriously screwed up beings, in which we'll gladly do the wrong
thing and sniff at ever changing to doing the right thing, even when
we *know* what we should be doing.

Anyways, I'm in a shitty mood today, but instead of a vent, I'll just
provide some contextual smart-ass quotes ;

"Tradition is what you resort to when you don't have the time or the
money to do it right."
   -- Kurt Herbert Alder

"The chief obstacle to the progress of the human race is the human race."
   -- Don Marquis

... and just to explain why I'm not venting ;

"Wisdom is what's left after we've run out of personal opinions."
   -- Cullen Hightower

Have a nice day,

"Ultimately, all things are known because you want to believe you know."
                                                         - Frank Herbert
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