[Sigia-l] Workshop plug: Designing for Interaction: Creating Smart Applications and Clever Devices (Sydney)

Eric Scheid eric.scheid at ironclad.net.au
Wed Aug 9 01:27:10 EDT 2006

On 9/8/06 12:34 PM, "Donna Maurer" <donnam at maadmob.net> wrote:

> Hi guys, if you're in Australia, thought you might be interested in Dan
> Saffer's Interaction Design workshop, being run as part of Web Directions...

He'll also be presenting at Oz-IA/2006 on the weekend immediately following
Web Directions :-) <http://www.oz-ia.org/2006/>

On an IA note, maybe this gathering of IAs could help me out a bit here:

Since the event is also billed as a Retreat, in addition to the chalk-n-talk
presentations (suitably updated to 21st century) we are also running some
sessions which are more interactive, more open ended. Essentially: in
response to the question "what if you had 30+ smart and passionate IAs in
the one room?" ... can we use that opportunity to discuss, argue,
brainstorm, invent, and design some solution to a problem IAs are facing.

For example, I'll be leading a session where we try to nut out a baseline
set of symbols/etc for site maps. In essence, doing to site flows what JJG's
VisVocab is.

Here is where you can help: although we'll be "workshopping" these problems,
calling them "workshops" is leading to confusion. What label might you


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