[Sigia-l] Graduate Certificate in Usability

Sapienza, Filipp Filipp.Sapienza at cudenver.edu
Tue Apr 11 22:20:23 EDT 2006

Dear SIGIA-L members:	

This is to announce the Graduate Certificate in Usability Testing and
Interface Design
Technical Communication Program	
Department of Communication
University of Colorado at Denver & Health Sciences Center

	The Graduate Certificate in Usability Testing and Interface
Design is designed for professionals who wish to learn empirically
established, state-of-the-art methods for evaluating the usability and
comprehensibility of computer-based interfaces and interactive online
technologies. These methods have diversified and become increasingly
more sophisticated in the last twenty years, spurred by innovative
research in cognitive psychology, human computer interaction studies,
and the learning and communication sciences.  The premise of this
certificate is that understanding principles of good interface design
requires understanding of the most powerful empirical methods for
evaluating the impacts of design on the end users of technology.
Knowledge concerning when, where, why, and how to apply these testing
and evaluation methodologies is now widely viewed as essential for the
next generation of information- technology designers and analysts.
	This Certificate combines a theoretical approach to the
principles of interface design with hands-on usability-testing
experience.  This hands-on experience includes a final project (in CMMU
6300) for an actual client who is seeking usability testing for a
hardware or software product. Students will assess both the sponsoring
client's and the end user's needs; design a usability test protocol
based upon these needs; implement the test with the client's input and
approval (and at the client's expense); and analyze the tests results
and their implications for design in a final written report to the
client.  All of these activities are conducted under the close
supervision of the technical communication faculty.

	The Certificate requires 12 credit hours, earned in the
following courses:

CMMU 5130   User Interface Design and Analysis
CMMU 6205   Research Methods in Technical Communication or
                        IT 6720 Research in Information & Learning
CMMU 5510   Usability Testing
CMMU 6410   Usability Test Design Project                        

To be eligible to apply for this certificate, students must have
successfully completed an undergraduate degree.

Grade and Residency Requirements
A grade of B must be earned in each course completed as part of the
Certificate. All of the credit hours for the Certificate must be earned
at the University of Colorado at Denver.

Application Procedures
Students should apply for the Graduate Certificate in Usability Testing
and Interface Design only after the completion of the required courses.
To apply, students must complete the "Application Form: Graduate
Certificate in Usability Testing and Interface Design." The form may be
downloaded from the Communication Department's web site
<http://communication.cudenver.edu/~communication/html/index.html> or is
available from the director of the Technical Communication program, Jim
Stratman, or the program assistant in the Communication Department,
Sally Thee. The form should be returned to Jim Stratman in his mailbox
in room 102-A of the Plaza Building or mailed to him at the Department
of Communication, P. O. Box 173364, Campus Box 176, University of
Colorado at Denver, Denver, CO 80217-3364. Once the certificate is
processed, it will be mailed to the student.

Students who are not already enrolled at the University of Colorado at
Denver also must complete an "Application for Non-Degree Admission." The
form may be downloaded here or is available from the program assistant
in the Communication Department, Sally Thee (303-556-2591 or
sthee at carbon.cudenver.edu). The form should be returned to the Office of
Admissions in the annex of the CU Building.

Additional Information
Additional information about the Graduate Certificate in Usability
Testing and Interface Design may be obtained from the director of the
Technical Communication program:

Professor James F. Stratman
Office: Plaza Building, Suite 102-F
Email: James.Stratman at cudenver.edu
Phone: (303) 556-2884

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