[Sigia-l] Just b/c I love a good Mac/Win flame war ... ; ) ... seriously though

Dwayne King dwayne at pinpointlogic.com
Wed Apr 5 23:08:58 EDT 2006

On Apr 5, 2006, at 4:04 PM, Listera wrote:

> It's for desperate people. Desperate
> enough to break their workflow with a sledgehammer, shut down, re- 
> boot, shut
> down and rinse&repeat. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do,  
> but in
> *this* state Boot Camp is of minor significance for actual usage,  
> perception
> being another matter entirely.
> What's imminently interesting is virtualization, in various  
> disguises. Mac
> folk are used to it from past PPC/Classic migration experiences.  
> Now there's
> dedicated hardware support from Intel:
> So Apple's goal would be to "eliminate" Windows as an OS (so to  
> speak) and,
> yet, appropriate its applications, since you'd be able to simply  
> run them
> like any other native OS X app simultaneously, in side-by-side  
> windows.

I think you hit it with "perception." My hunch is that Apple sees  
lack of adoption because people perceive they can't do all they can  
with the PC, that it doesn't play well, etc.

Releasing boot-camp, they just knocked down a huge huddle for the  
switchers. I think their thought is it will get people to adopt, then  
6 months down the road people will be saying, "I THOUGHT I needed  
Windows, but I haven't actually boot up in XP in over 4 months and  
I'm still getting the same stuff done."

They don't care if people can use Windows or not, but they want  
people to feel they can when needed.

Again, it's a gut feeling, so feel free to retort.


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