[Sigia-l] Just b/c I love a good Mac/Win flame war ... ; ) ... seriously though

Fred Beecher fbeecher at gmail.com
Wed Apr 5 17:34:55 EDT 2006

On 4/5/06, Dave Heller <dheller at gmail.com> wrote:
> Apple releases "Boot Camp". Software that allows you to run your own
> licensed copy of Windows XP on your MacTel equipment!!!!!
> http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2006/apr/05bootcamp.html
> I'm flumoxed! (sp?)

And I'm thinking that this makes complete and total sense. Haven't
many of us been talking about how the user experience is becoming an
extremely important differentiator in the marketplace? This is just
more proof that this is the case.

Why do people buy Macs? I'll make a reasonable guess that it's based
primarily on some aspect of "usage experience." It comes with all this
easy to use, simple software that facilitates your "digital life," and
it looks and feels slick and hip. It's just fun to use a Mac. What
holds people back from buying Macs? They need to do stuff that there's
no Mac software to do, or the cross-platform stuff they use doesn't
play as nicely as it should.

What's going to hold people back from buying Macs now? Nada. Well, at
least when Leopard is released, integrating Boot Camp in post-beta
form. Their primary reason for not buying a Mac has just gone away. So
this is going to be really, really big, and it's going to send a
really, really big message to software/hardware companies in the form
of a flood of Mactel purchases:

Your customers want to enjoy using your products! And they'll buy an
enjoyable product (even if it costs more) over one that gives them
more grief than pleasure.

This means it's good to be us. Demand for our services will continue
to grow, but I think what happens in the next year or two with this
will really make it skyrocket.

And in the spirit of doing my part, I plan to buy the next version of
the MacBook when it comes out. (I'm all for cool tech., but I prefer
to leave the lion's share of headaches to the early adopters. : )

- Fred

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