[Sigia-l] Seeking Best Practices: order for chaos

Listera listera at rcn.com
Mon Sep 26 17:45:59 EDT 2005

Ockler, Sarah:

> For some organizations, this process has to begin within the
> organization itself - not just the Web site.

Nice example. But don't you think the website should *always* reflect the
organization? And, by definition, when the website is trying to do something
that's not a reflection of (or supported by) the organizational structure, a
red flag should go up?

When TimeWarner or Sony pretend to look "unified" online when they are
composed of disparate, disjointed and in many instances competing
companies/groups, who are they fooling? And the results speak for
themselves. Generally, the only ones that win in these situations are the ad
agencies, marketing companies and website designers/developers that produce
the "unified" approach. Some best practice.


Best Practices,
For when you've run out of your own ideas and context.

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