[Sigia-l] sub-groups in card sorts?

Todd Warfel lists at toddwarfel.com
Fri Sep 23 12:25:19 EDT 2005

Card sorting is designed to give you a baseline for your hierarchy,  
or relationships between items. We almost always see sub-grouping in  
our card sorting exercises. After all, sub-groups still show  
hierarchy and relationships.

And even if you do statistical analysis vs. eye-balling the results  
to find your cornerstone for the structure, you should be able to  
handle sub-groupings. After all, many of the recent projects we've  
worked on might go 4-5 levels deep.

On Sep 22, 2005, at 10:11 PM, Eric Scheid wrote:

> [...] That is, since card sorting analysis is designed to generate  
> a hierarchy as a result of examining the sortings by multiple  
> participants, would inputting a hierarchy skew the results?


Todd R. Warfel
Partner, Design & Usability Specialist
Messagefirst | making products & services easier to use
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Email:    todd at messagefirst.com
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Blog:      http://toddwarfel.com

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