[Sigia-l] Windows wide open

Listera listera at rcn.com
Wed Sep 14 00:38:41 EDT 2005

Johndan Johnson-Eilola:

> Although there's been a lot of hullabaloo about multi-tasking and its
> costs and benefits, most people I know are still pretty wedded to
> single-tasking.

I'm not sure.

As Conal pointed out, there may well be an issue of causality here:
multitasking and multi-window management have not been elegantly implemented
on Windows. So folks may be reluctant. And I think Flip is an acknowledgment
of this fact.

I know a Win2Mac switcher and a seven-year old who love and constantly use
Exposé on OS X and thus seldom bother closing open windows. Window
management has essentially ceased to be an issue for them.

I have a 30" monitor and I watch a lot of webcasts. There's almost always a
webcast or a podcast window open on the lower right-hand corner, plus iTunes
and 6-10 apps constantly open. The OS and the laptop nicely supports this
multi-tasking, multi-window environment. If it didn't, I'd be reluctant to
have them all open.

In other words, I don't think people have been given proper support for
multi-tasking, so I wouldn't necessarily draw permanent behavioral
conclusions from what Microsoft observed with 4-wins-max-open.

Incidentally, students let you see the contents of their windows? Wow!


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