[Sigia-l] Seeking Best Practices: order for chaos

Drop, Daniel SIK ddrop at SIKORSKY.COM
Tue Sep 13 16:01:21 EDT 2005

Jon Littell:

> How do you create a ³wrapper² for huge, decentralized organization??

I read your request the very same day I scanned Peter Morville's first
chapter in Ambient Findability
(http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/ambient/chapter/ch01.pdf).  After an
interesting story on cancer.gov, He states,

They viewed their responsibility from a top-down perspective. Can users find
what they need from the home page? It's an important question, but it
ignores the fact that many users don't start from the home page. Powerful
search tools, directories, blogs, social bookmarks, and syndication services
are moving deep linking and content sampling from exception to rule. Many of
your users will never visit your home page... Can users find what they need
from wherever they are? That's the multi-channel communication question we
should be asking.

>From Peter's thoughts, another question you may ask is "How do you allow
users to get whatever they need from anywhere in a decentralized

Daniel R. Drop
Programs Information Architect
Sikorsky Aircraft
 (p.) +1-203-386-6855 

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