[Sigia-l] is bad design a choice?

Listera listera at rcn.com
Wed Oct 19 14:27:35 EDT 2005

Dave Heller:

> 1. you can't say until you know everything you can't proceed.

Design/problem solving/innovation is about betting. If everything was
transparent or preordained, there'd be no point to betting. Whether it's
digital music or video, for example, Apple's making huge bets as to where
the market should be and simultaneously doing things to make sure it gets
there, by design. Other companies that are largely in the commodity business
like Dell won't proceed without an already baked-in market, which is why
they neither spend any meaningful dollars on R&D nor innovate.

> 4. Why would sellers want to help competitors?

Many reasons, the principle one being: the cost of sharing
information/conforming is less than the benefits one gets by having access
to a common infrastructure. This happens all the time in all sorts of
industries. For example, ad spending info is released by individual
companies so the industry as a whole can make better and more granular
decisions on advertising.


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